Here are some motivational quotes and images to help you move forward:
- Believe in Yourself: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
- Don’t Look Back: “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela
- Keep Moving: “The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
- Stay Positive: “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Albus Dumbledore
- Focus on the Future: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
These quotes and images are designed to inspire and motivate you to keep moving forward, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. Remember to stay positive, believe in yourself, and focus on the future.
Moving on quotes, sayings, and images for life motivating. You don’t have to sort out anything to step on. If you want to advance, moving forward is necessary for life. Forward is described in the way that one faces or moves toward the center, so that like the flower can not grow in the night, without danger, you can’t achieve success. Get the confidence to adjust and move forward. Here is a collection of 51 inspirational moving forward quotes in life, move forward quotes in love, motivating keep moving forward quotes with images.

1. “A very wise man once told me that you can’t look back – you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future.” – Jodi Picoult
2. “It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.” – Nicholas Sparks
3. “Note to self: Nobody is worth stressing over. Move on. It’s ok to leave people behind. Go find yourself. The world is yours. Life goes on.” – Unknown
4. “You can’t start a new chapter in your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” – Suzy Kassem
5. “She understands now what she, in all her worry, had forgotten. That even as she hesitates and wavers, even as she thinks too much and moves too cautiously, she doesn’t always have to get it right. It’s okay to look back, even as you move forward.” – Jennifer E. Smith
6. “There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life.” – Unknown
7. “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” – Alexander Graham Bell
8. “Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.” – Wayne Dyer
9. “I let it go. It’s like swimming against the current. It exhausts you. After a while, whoever you are, you just have to let go, and the river brings you home.” – Joanne Harris
10. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” – Steve Jobs
11. “If I could forgive, it meant I was a strong good person who could take responsibility for the path I had chosen for myself, and all the consequences that accompanied that choice. And it gave me the simple but powerful satisfaction of extending a kindness to another person in a tough spot.” – Piper Kerman
12. “One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.” – Brigitte Nicole
13. “There’s a difference between owning your choices and blaming yourself.” – Marie Forleo
14. “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr
15. “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
16. “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso
17. “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney
18. “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein
19. “It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.” – Paulo Coelho
20. “Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energy moving forward together towards an answer.” – Denis Waitley
21. “Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out.” – Gordon B. Hinkley
22. “The only thing a person can ever really do is keep moving forward. Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge toward the future.” – Alyson Noel
23. “You need to have faith in yourself. Be brave and take risks. You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward.” – Roy T. Bennett
24. “Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can’t buy more hours. Scientists can’t invent new minutes. And you can’t save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you’ve wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.” – Denis Waitley
25. “You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve or would’ve happened… or you can just leave the pieces of the floor and move on.” – Tupac Shakur
26. “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” – Napoleon Hill
27. “In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.” – Deepak Chopra
28. “Some people are meant to stay put, and some people are meant to go. But running is different than going. When you’re running, you spend the whole time looking over your shoulder. To go forward, you gotta look forward.” – Gretchen Anthonyy
29. “As I look back on my life, I realized that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” – Steve Maraboli
30. “In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain the old pain.” – Mary Manin Morrissey
31. “It’s not a matter of letting go – you would if you could. Instead of “Let it go,” we should probably say “Let it be”. – John Kabat-Zinn
32. “Even if our life circumstances take a while to reflect our inner decisions, once decisions are made, everything in our life will move in the direction of aligning with that.” – Donna Goddard
33. “Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.” – N.R. Walker
34. “We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” –Joseph Campbell
35. “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” – Steve Maraboli
36. “You really don’t have to burn any bridges to let go… You don’t have to destroy anything. You can just decide to cross over and move on.” – Marta Mrotek
37. “Faith is moving forward even when things don’t make sense, trusting that in hindsight everything will become clear.” – Many Hale
38. “You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.” – Conrad Hall
39. “If you can’t do anything about it then let it go. Don’t be a prisoner to things you can’t change.” – Tony Gaskins
40. “Have heart in the things you do. You don’t always need a second or third opinion for every last decision you make.” – Torron-Lee Dewar
41. “Just keep moving forward and don’t give a damn about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you.” – Johnny Depp
42. “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” – Mandy Hale
43. “And I just think that if you believe in something and you want it so much and you’re not hurting anyone else, you have to go for it. Which sometimes means taking a risk, even if it’s scary. But the thing you want most to happen doesn’t stand a chance unless you give it one.” – Susane Colasanti