Wish your better half a happy anniversary with this list of happy anniversary wishes, messages, and quotes, whether it’s a first wedding anniversary or 50th. It’s time to celebrate your wedding anniversary. If you’re looking to say something a bit more original than “Happy anniversary”, you came to the right place.
Whether you’re writing a wedding anniversary card for your partner or sending wedding anniversary wishes to your parents, best friends, or siblings, everyone appreciates a handwritten note remembering the day they tied the knot and how far they’ve come as a couple since then.
Happy anniversary quotes, wedding anniversary wishes for couples & happy anniversary images to send an anniversary message to your husband, wife or friend.
Share how much they mean to you and the kids on your anniversary. As a special gift, pair these wedding anniversary quotes and messages with personalized gifts like canvas prints.
The wedding anniversary is one of the most special days in one’s life. It is a day to celebrate the heavenly bond created between a husband and wife through marriage. If you are close to a couple that is planning to celebrate their wedding anniversary anytime soon, then you must be prepared to wish them some special words for the special occasion. Eventually, you will get used to catching up on weekends and going on long trips with your sister because she is the best friend you can never replace. Our happy list of wedding anniversary wishes is curated with love, especially for you and your partner.
Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes
Here comes a list of loving & happy wedding anniversary wishes and quotes written exclusively for you.
121. Your lives are so beautifully intertwined that everyone considers you one. Happy Anniversary!
122. Wishing you all the happiness and love in the world and congratulations on your anniversary.
123. Another year’s passed and you continue to show the world that true love does exist— Happy Anniversary!
124. We have an extraordinary amount of love and respect for one another, and I am grateful for that. My love! I wish you a happy anniversary!
125. Sending you lots of love and happy thoughts during this amazing milestone in your life. Happy Anniversary!
126. Having you by my side makes me the happiest, most grateful, and luckiest person in the world. Happy anniversary to my soul mate.
127. Happy anniversary to the only person in the world that I want beside me every day and every night for the rest of my life. I love you, sweetheart. Happy Anniversary!
128. I want to love you, adore you, take care of you, and make you the happiest person there ever was for all of the time.
129. Congratulations on your anniversary. May you two lovebirds stay happy and blessed always.
130. It’s been a decade full of adventures, and there’s no one else I would rather have taken the ride with! Happy Anniversary!
131. May the love you have shared in your first five years of marriage grow stronger as you grow old together. Happy Anniversary – Here’s to everything you have to come!
132. I’m delighted to have you in my life. Thank you once again for everything! Wishing you a happy anniversary!
133. Parties, dinners, and get-togethers—we have many selfish reasons to gather and wish you both a great life ahead. Happy Anniversary.
134. Like wine, marriage can be sweet or bitter, intense or mellow, flat or acidic. But a couple like you enjoys all its flavors, whether dull or romantic. Happy Anniversary.
135. Years that you have spent increasing each other’s status! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
Romantic Wedding Anniversary Messages
113. We have endured the actual test of time, growing with one another and closer together every year, through good times and bad. With that, I wish you the best in life.
114. Every time I think of the incredible love we share, my heart melts. I hope it will continue to thrive and expand for many years to come. Happy Anniversary.
115. Being with you is similar to that delicious cup of coffee I have every morning. Even though I drink it every day, I still appreciate it.
116. Thanks for loving me, caring for me, and fighting with me. I will never get tired of being with you under the same roof. Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband!
117. You make me happier than I’ve ever been. Happy Anniversary! I hope we get to spend many more together.
118. Thanks for all those wonderful years and the wonderful memories you have given me. My sweetheart, Happy Weeding Anniversary!!!
119. May God bless your heavenly bond and give you all the happiness that you deserve and much more. Happy marriage anniversary.
120. I hope every year our love increases and we reach new heights. Happy anniversary to my soul mate.
121. May the love you have for each other continue to blossom like a rose with each passing year. Happy wedding anniversary to you!
122. For some people, a perfect marriage is a myth, fairy tale, legend, fable, or false hope. But for me, it is a real thing that exists between you both. Happy Anniversary.
123. I appreciate God for bringing you into my life. Happy anniversary, sweetheart! I love you!
124. Happy Anniversary, dear! May our beautiful bond last forever.
125. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me, but then I remember that I put up with you too, so that makes us even. I love you!
126. It’s not a long journey; your marriage is an adventure. It’s not a love story; your marriage is an epic tale of romance. Your marriage is a blissful loop of sweet memories, not a happy ending. Happy wedding anniversary.
Best Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Friend
81. Even though your ambitions, dreams, and hopes for the future may not always be the same, you both live for each other and to make each other’s dreams come true. And that’s the beauty of your marriage. stayed the same. Heartiest greetings on your anniversary today!
82. Here’s me wishing you a perfect day to celebrate the completion of your years of togetherness. Happy Anniversary, my dearest friend.
83. This is what happens when marathon runners get married. You’ve built a relationship made to go the distance!
84. Happy Anniversary to the couple who have made marriage as perfect as the one in books or movies.
85. A year ago, on this day, you both promised to love and cherish each other every day. I’ve witnessed love and friendship blossom into a beautiful relationship. On your first wedding anniversary, all I wish from God is to shower you both with eternal happiness.
86. Congratulations on completing yet another year of laughter, love, and togetherness. May you continue to tolerate each other for many years to come! Happy Anniversary.
87. I knew someday you’d make a perfect life partner for someone. Congratulations on completing one more year of a happy marriage. Happy Anniversary, friend!
88. As another year passes by, I hope you emerge and grow stronger together and lead a happy and fulfilling life with each other. Happy Anniversary!
89. Together and forever is what I wish for you both. May you hold hands while celebrating all of life’s happy occasions and stick together when times get tough. May you cherish the love you share till the end of time and even beyond. Happy Anniversary…!!!
90. They say there are many recipes for a successful marriage. But the one thing that beats them all is learning to say, “I will do the dishes.”
Cute Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Wife
97. Having a wife like you means a lot to me. Because of you, my life is so peaceful and enjoyable. Thank you for never leaving my side. Happy Anniversary, Mrs.
98. To the most beautiful woman who has given me the most beautiful life, a very happy anniversary.
99. Happy Anniversary to the woman who gives me more love every day than I even deserve. Let’s make our marriage even more awesome!
100. Happy Anniversary to my best friend, my wife, and my life, without whom I couldn’t imagine living. With you, life is bliss. I love you a lot.
101. I feel so lucky to have my best friend as my wife and also my soul mate.
102. I don’t know where I’d be without you, and I never want to find out. Here’s to many more years of love and happiness. Happy Anniversary!
103. You can make your partner fall in love with you all over again with these anniversary wishes for your spouse.
104. On our anniversary today, apart from cherishing the memories we’ve made, let’s look ahead to all those that we’re yet to make. Have a great day, love!
105. May the years that come strengthen the bond that we already have! Happy Anniversary!
106. It is nature’s principle that everything wears off eventually with time, but your love for each other is something that is beyond science and has only become stronger with time. I hope your affection grows even stronger in the years to come. Happy Anniversary!
107. On our first anniversary, I’m going to reveal a secret to you. And that is, you’re my dreams come true and the secret of boundless happiness. I love you!
108. May the rest of our lives always be like our very first year together—youthful, exciting, blissful, and hopelessly romantic. Happy Anniversary, baby!
Amazing Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Husband
81. Thanks for all those wonderful years and the wonderful memories you have given me. My sweetheart, Happy Weeding Anniversary!!!
82. May we both stay this way forever much in love with the togetherness around us. Happy Anniversary.
83. Thank you for another year of your love. I promise to spend the next
84. Anyone can become a husband by marriage, but not everyone can make a place in someone’s heart. You have a permanent place in my heart because you deserve it.
85. I’ve annoyed you for a long time now, and you’re the only one I want to annoy for the rest of my life. Happy anniversary, baby.
86. The love and respect you have for each other are unimaginable. You two are the sweetest, most adorable lovebirds I have ever known. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!
87. I just can’t believe how long it’s been, darling. Long years [PUT YEAR]But we made it. Thank you for everything, my knight in shining armor.
88. Happy Anniversary to my husband! You put a smile on my face and ignited a flame in my heart. Every time I look at you, my heart leaps with joy.
89. You taught me how to let go of all my fears and fall head over heels. Thank you for being so darn amazing! Happy Marriage Anniversary.
90. You walked into my life and changed it forever. And I’m loving every bit of it. Happy Anniversary, love!
Awesome Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Couple
97. It is during the darkest moments that we can see the brightest people in our lives. I’m glad you found your light in the darkness.
98. I don’t know how I got so lucky to get a girl like you, but I’m thankful every single day.
99. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations to us as we celebrate another year of being so deeply in love with each other after so many years. I pray for more reasons to celebrate in the future.
100. Our anniversary marks 365 more days you’ve made me laugh, appreciate you, learn, grow, and be oh so glad we’re together!
101. I am a blessed girlfriend indeed! It’s a shout I’d make to let the world know how much I love you. May our love grow sturdy each day. Happy Anniversary.
102. Wishing a dazzling first anniversary to the most beautiful couple ever. Sweethearts, may God always have a reason to place His mighty hands on your precious union and bless it abundantly.
103. Everyone has a story to tell, but your love story is the most beautiful of all.
104. Happy anniversary to my one and only. I can never find the words to say how much I love you, so I got you a little something to give you a clue – a gorgeous gift for a gorgeous girl.
105. Sending love to our favorite couple on their anniversary!
106. Take the time to look back on the sweet memories you have made together on this most blessed anniversary!
107. Our marriage has been through a lot over the years, but in both good and bad times, you have shown me nothing but love. Despite the circumstances, I still love you more. Cheers to more blissful years. Happy Anniversary.
108. I want to use this special occasion to send my best wishes as you celebrate your anniversary! You guys make perfection look easy.
Wonderful Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Brother
52. Marriage is a lifelong symphony that is sung by two hearts that are completely devoted to love. And you two proved it! I’m so proud of you! I’m glad that you’ve made it this far. Happy Anniversary, bro.
53. You two are the perfect real-life definition of soulmates. I hope you continue to share love and laughter for many more years to come. Happy Anniversary to both of you!
54. Thank you for showing me and blessing me with your example of what being forever in love and marriage means. May God bless you with all the happiness, good health, and everything that you desire.
55. Dear Bhai, In my head, I won every time we were put in a competition against each other, but one year back, you truly won the biggest one. I can never be half as good a husband or partner as you are to your wife. Congratulations on a glorious first year, and I wish only love and happiness for you two for all the years to come.
56. It takes a lot of effort from both sides to make a marriage a happy one. Today, I feel really happy when I see you living a happy married life. Happy anniversary to you!
57. Today is a beautiful occasion for a beautiful couple like you to celebrate. Cheers to the most amazing couple I’ve known, whose love is seen and felt by everybody around them. Happy Anniversary.
Uplifting Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Sister
56. May you love, cherish, and honor each other for many years to come! Congrats!
57. Life is an adventurous ride, and nothing makes it more thrilling and worthwhile than sharing it with the person you love the most. I’m glad that you’ve found your forever person. Happy Wedding Anniversary, little sis.
58. I wish more years of love and happiness for you! Have a wonderful anniversary, sis!
59. Here comes the date! The memories of your wedding day are still very fresh in my mind. We all had a blast, and I wish we could redo your wedding party every year. 😀 Congratulations on completing another year together. I love you both!
60. The commitment you made to love one another all those years ago has been so beautifully kept by the two of you. What an inspirational couple you both are. Loads of blessings and prayers for you.
61. Congrats, Sis! Have a wonderful celebration with your one and only.
62. Being close to a beautiful couple who are celebrating their number of years of marriage today has been a wonderful experience for me. I pray that your lives will be touched by God’s grace on this wedding anniversary.
Heart-Warming Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Parents
97. I first witnessed and understood the meaning of true love as a kid from you both, and I owe all of my happiness to you. I love you two guys!
98. You taught me teamwork with your togetherness in good and bad times. Your tolerance of each other has taught us patience. Your lives as parents have taught us to live with all the love. Happy anniversary, mom and dad.
99. Your togetherness in good and bad times has taught us teamwork. Your tolerance for each other’s bad habits has taught us patience. Your support during each other’s struggles has taught us solidarity. Your lives as our parents have taught us how to live. Happy Anniversary!
100. Thus, take some special inspiration from our best examples:
101. Looking at both of you strengthens my belief in love. Keep going strong as this and I wish you both a Happy Anniversary.
102. Treat yourselves well on this anniversary. I think you both need and deserve some rejuvenation and relaxation after putting up with each other (and, of course, me!) all these years. Ma pa, I adore you.
103. I am so proud of you and your blissful life. With all the love and togetherness, both of you have achieved all the stages of love. More power to you, Mom and Dad. Happy Anniversary.
104. You guys deserve a pat on the back because even after living so many years together, you haven’t gotten tired of each other. I wish for God to bless you with endless amounts of happiness and love. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
105. You are the peanut butter to my jelly and the macaroni to my cheese. We make a perfect (kid-friendly) pair. Happy anniversary, my dear.
106. With another glorious year passing away, you both continue to show the world that the true world still exists. I wish you and your dear aunt a happy wedding anniversary!
107. Yours is the most beautiful example of a successful marriage. Thank you for making us proud and showing us the right way towards a happy and meaningful life. Happy Anniversary!
108. When people talk about setting a couple of goals, I think about you both! You always stick together and make ends meet, no matter how far apart you are. It’s adorable. I hope you both always stay together! Happy Anniversary.
Heart Touching Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Quotes
49. Congratulations on your anniversary. This is the season for joyous celebrations of happiness. So, smile and enjoy.
50. “Where we love is home—a home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.” -Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
51. I wish you cheers and much happiness because you two deserve every bit of it. Happy Anniversary, dear son and daughter-in-law. Love you.
52. Thank you for setting an example of how to be a happily married couple. You guys make me emotional. Happy wedding anniversary. May God bless you two.
53. You were made to be loved – and I’ve loved you, in the idea of you, my entire life.
54. I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow. Christopher, Less Less
Wedding Anniversary Quotes For Sons and Daughters
41. May your hearts always remain as caring and passionate as when you fell in love. May God look after you two and allow you to look after each other. Happy Anniversary.
42. Another year, another great reason to celebrate!
43. Anniversary cheers!
44. The number of years you have spent together tells us more about your marriage than we can ever say about it. You two are just unbelievably awesome. Happy Anniversary!
45. I hope your next [ten] years together are even better than your first!
Funny Wedding Anniversary Wishes
41. I love you and I want to punch you in the face in equal measures. But isn’t that how good marriage is supposed to be?
42. Anniversary wishes don’t have to be serious at all. You can try some of these funny wedding anniversary wishes to make the atmosphere more relaxed.
43. If there was an award for the best marriage, you’d win it. Then again, you’d probably have set up the awards too…
44. In any case, love makes the world go round, and in your case, it seems to be spinning at a good clip. Best wishes
45. You two are so much fun to be around. Please, can you adopt me?
Milestone Wedding Anniversary Wishes
113. Even though the years continue to pass, my love for you only grows stronger. Congratulations on your [25th] anniversary!
114. The warmest of wishes for an especially happy anniversary Cheers!
115. “Years” is not just a number. It’s a testament to your love and commitment, to the memories you’ve shared, the difficulties you’ve overcome, and the family you’ve built together. Happy Anniversary!
116. I thought our wedding day would be the happiest day of my life, but every day since has made me love you even more.
117. 5th Anniversary Wishes for a friend or a friendly couple
118. Happy paper anniversary, babe. I got you this card!
119. Mum and Dad, I’m so delighted that I’ve been able to see the forever love in my life. You’ve made me believe in everlasting love and that true happiness does exist. Congratulations on your 50th anniversary!
120. Enjoy all your new [silver] stuff and have a wonderful [25th] anniversary.
121. A successful marriage isn’t defined by the years but by happiness. May this joy be the perfect companion for your marriage! Congratulations on your tenth anniversary!
122. Three years later, each day is my happiest yet. I love you.
123. Happy 30th anniversary to one of the planet’s most beautiful couples! May the incredibly strong and beautiful bond of love existing between both of you last for all eternity.
124. I always said I was so lucky to have found you and, after
125. Your bond will only grow stronger because your hearts were meant for each other. I wish you a joyful celebration of this day. Happy First Wedding Anniversary!
126. I will share in your happiness as you celebrate [40] years of marriage. Today is your day to be in the spotlight… to celebrate all you’ve accomplished together. and to bask in all the admiration.
Heartfelt Happy Anniversary Messages With Images
♥ Is there anything more romantic than a good old-fashioned dose of romanticism when it comes to wishing someone you care about a happy wedding anniversary? Your husband, wife, or partner will appreciate a romantic note on their anniversary, and it is the perfect approach to wish them well.
♥ Because ShaadiSaga is all about weddings, and according to a poll for beaver books, we’ve gathered and curated a collection of 200+ wedding anniversary wishes that you may use for your friends, family, or significant other on this lovely occasion. Did you know that you can send them out as messages, include them with presents, include them in image collages, or use them as captions for your Instagram pictures? Put on your best clothes and go to work searching for your favorite.
♥ If you want to make your parents’ wedding anniversary wishes come true, you may pay for them to go to a spa to unwind and rest. Locate a spa that provides couples’ treatments and sit back and watch them have the time of their lives together.
♥ When it comes to celebrating a wedding anniversary, it can be difficult to find the proper words to express your joy. That is why we at WeddingWire India have compiled a list of special wedding anniversary wishes for your husband or wife, brother or sister, or parents’ wedding anniversary. A lot of the time, we find ourselves at a loss for words when it comes to conveying how much we adore them and how much their special days mean to us. For your convenience, we’ve put together a list of wedding anniversary wishes that you can use to help you write a heartfelt message of love and well wishes.
♥ An anniversary of marriage is the most often observed of all the many types of anniversaries, including those commemorating births, deaths, and marriages, as well as those commemorating noteworthy affairs. It’s a time to drink wine and eat food, but also to celebrate the amazing eternal connection that binds us all.
♥ Even though your marriage may have its difficult moments, it is always appropriate to honor your partner, especially on your wedding anniversary. Although all of those years of being together must have instilled a particular feeling in your heart and deepened your affection for them, there may be instances when you find yourself unable to find the right words to communicate your thoughts to them. As a result, we’ve put together a collection of wedding anniversary quotes that you can share with the person in your life who is important to you on your anniversary.
♥ As a result, such irreplaceable ties need more than a few wedding anniversary phrases that have been copied and pasted. We’ve created a collection of anniversary greetings that are special and have never been used before just for you. Quote the desire and provide a surprise present for your adoring uncle and aunt with your message. Anniversary greetings for parents on their wedding day
♥ It is impossible to break the link of sincere love that exists between siblings. With these meaningful anniversary messages, you may help your sister celebrate her marriage’s success.
♥ Gift certificates to Cooper’s are the ideal anniversary present, so send an anniversary card and a gift certificate today! To learn more, please visit this page.
♥ Best wishes on my sister’s wedding anniversary, Whether you’re looking for romantic anniversary messages or humorous anniversary messages that will make him chuckle, we recommend checking out the wedding anniversary wish wording below. You’ll find the perfect wedding anniversary message for your husband here, whether you’re celebrating your first or twentieth wedding anniversary.
♥ A first anniversary is an excellent opportunity to surprise your sweetheart with a particularly wonderful card or something different, such as a message in a bottle! Alternatively, you may commission a stationer to develop a design that is wholly unique for your spouse, such as a set of “reasons why I love you” or “date night” cards.
♥ A simple note in a bottle may also be a pretty adorable way to express your feelings to a special someone in your life. Besides having a certificate and little cards made, you can also make a treasure hunt that is just for your partner.
♥ Some celebrate the silver jubilee, which commemorates 25 years of a successful marriage, while those who have been married for 50 years celebrate the golden jubilee, which commemorates 50 years of marriage success. Others choose to celebrate whenever they feel like doing so.
♥ If you’re making a wedding anniversary card for your husband, here are some examples of wedding anniversary wishes for your spouse that you might want to incorporate into your message:
♥ In addition, if you are aware of a couple that is about to celebrate another year of togetherness and pure love, please offer them these lovely and nicest wedding anniversary wishes and messages:
♥ After having children, you’ll have a whole new appreciation for your mate. Your wedding anniversary wishes might be about thanking them for everything they do for the kids and expressing your appreciation for a wonderful partnership. On your anniversary, tell them how much you and your children value their friendship. To make a truly memorable present, combine these wedding anniversary quotes and sentiments with personalized gifts such as canvas prints. You can post images of your favorite children to show off what you and your partner are most proud of.
♥ Here are some wedding anniversary wishes that are guaranteed to demonstrate to your spouse how much you value the years you’ve spent together and the years to come in the future.
♥ You may make your own unique wedding anniversary wishes by brainstorming the top five adjectives and phrases that spring to mind when you think of the couple or your other half, such as “dedicated,” “funny,” “gorgeous,” and “a match made in heaven.” These will get your creative juices running with desires that might be appropriate for them!
♥ Anniversary greetings on a silver wedding anniversary And whether it’s a card for your anniversary or a card for a family member or acquaintance, Hallmark’s authors have message suggestions for you to consider. Our collection includes suggestions for anything from basic anniversary greetings to heartfelt tributes and everything in between. Whatever you want to say, we hope you’ll find the motivation and inspiration you need to get your pen moving!
♥ Reaching your 50th wedding anniversary is a significant milestone, and this success is commemorated with the only item that is appropriate for the occasion: gold. After years of marriage, the happy couple has gotten to know one another and has learned how to make a marriage work for them. If it’s your 50th anniversary, express your appreciation for your spouse; if it’s a couple you like celebrating, tell them how great it is to witness such dedication and love after all these years of being together. Those seeking wedding anniversary wishes for their parents might find them a bit farther down the page.
♥ It includes a lovely wedding anniversary inscription on the inside of the card. Don’t go overboard with dull messages if you have finally decided that it is time to tell your loved one that you care about him or her and want to communicate your thoughts of devotion to him or her. If you’d want to give something more thoughtful and customized, try sending anniversary cards or happy anniversary photos. When you send your spouse a card that reads, “You are the most beautiful lady in the world,” you will make him or her feel extra special on his or her special day.