55 Thanks For Playing With My Feelings Quotes – Love Messages

Thanks For Playing With My Feelings Quotes Love Messages
Thanks For Playing With My Feelings Quotes Love Messages

The emotional rollercoaster that is a part of life’s journey often includes moments when we feel gratitude and frustration in equal measure. “Thanks for playing with my feelings” quotes encapsulate the intricate web of emotions we experience as human beings. They remind us that our feelings are a significant part of our existence, shaped by the people and circumstances that surround us.

1. Leading me on, playing with my feelings, toying with my emotions…Knock it off.

2. I can’t believe you ever would do something as mean as such to me. I allowed you into my life but you left me with so much bitterness and pains. Thank you, for playing with my feelings.

3. You actually did play with my feelings and I’d want you to know that today. I felt like wasting my time and emotions on you did not worth it all. Thank you for playing with my feelings.

4. I’m hurt that you played with my feelings. This note is to thank you for playing with my feelings. Or what could I have rather said?

5. Thank you for playing with my feelings. I had a hard time trusting you, but with your sorry and most genuine tears, I believed you again.

6. Thank you so much for doing this to me. You played with my feelings, just in case you don’t know. Thank you so much for playing with my feelings.

7. How bad it is that my feelings were played with by you! I thought you’d remain in my space, for a longer time. Quite glad that I’m done with you. Thank you for playing with my feelings.

game over thanks for playing with my feelings quotes
game over thanks for playing with my feelings quotes

8. I don’t want to believe that you played with my feelings. It even pains that you don’t see anything wrong with all you’ve done. I don’t know what to say to you anymore. Thank you for playing with my feelings.

9. Thank you for being a good friend and listening to me. I know it’s not easy to always listen to me vent, but you do it so well. I appreciate your ability to assist in my decision-making process.

10. Thank you for playing with my feelings! Your action was quite cruel to me. I didn’t believe you could do such. All the same, I’ll still thank you for doing so.

Thanks For Playing With My Feelings

11. I didn’t ever expect that you could play with my feelings. How could you do that to me even? All well, thank you for playing with my feelings.

12. Thank you for playing with my feelings and breaking my heart. It has taught me to step back and think before I give all of myself away. You are not the person I fell in love with and I suppose I am better off not knowing who you have become.

13. I’m not pleased with you to any degree. You played with my feelings and you think we can waive that? Really? Well, thank you! Thank you for playing with my feelings.

14. Thank you so much for playing with my feelings. It sucks so badly but I don’t think I’d have had it any other way, but to say thank you!

15. Thank you so much for playing with my feelings. Surprised I came to thank you? Well, it is what it is. I thank you for doing that to me.

16. Thank you for playing with my feelings and then dumping me when someone better came along. I wonder what your next meaningless dalliance will be like, if it will be fun, exciting, and new like our relationship was. or if it will be boring, stale, and devoid of anything but physical attraction.

hurting thanks for playing with my feelings quotes
hurting thanks for playing with my feelings quotes

17. It hurts deeply that you played with my feelings. Yeah, I can’t even find the proper words to use. Nevertheless, thank you for playing with my feelings.

18. Thanks so much for playing with my feelings. I really feel bad about that but it’s no problem. I just wish you God’s best. I don’t want to say more…

19. I forgive you though for playing with my feelings. Thanks a lot for playing with my feelings. I just hope that quenched the longing of your soul!

20. Thank you for playing with my feelings. Just when I think we are getting closer, you start to pull away from me and make me feel bad.

21. Well, thanks a lot for playing with my feelings. Quite weird I came to thank you? Well, don’t think there’s more to say about this or anything.

22. You hurt my feelings so much! Thank you all the same. I wish we didn’t even happen or come close at all. I put you in the past, allowing bygones to remain bygones.

23. When you’re used to playing with people, when you’re in a band, then you’re used to playing with each other. People nowadays aren’t used to playing with each other because they don’t have to.

24. It saddens my soul so much that you played with my feelings. And I’m actually using this medium to thank you for playing with my feelings.

25. I figured that you actually deliberately played with my feelings and that sucks a whole lot. Well, thank you for playing with my feelings.

26. Thanks for playing with my feelings. I was starting to really like you until you hooked up with my friend. It’s not that serious right now and I don’t expect that you will read this, but I hope she treats you better than the way you treated me.

27. My feelings was messed up by the same person that I thought deserved my all in this world. You’re really mean! Thank you for messing with my feelings.

28. I’m hurt that you did play with my feelings. Thank you anyway for playing with my feelings. I just hope that really satisfied your core being.

pain thanks for playing with my feelings quotes
pain thanks for playing with my feelings quotes

29. You’re definitely mean to have done this to me. Thank you so much for playing with my feelings. I have no better words to say to you, really.

30. How painful it is that you played with my feelings. I really feel bad about that and I’d want you to be aware of this. Also, I’d want to thank you for playing with my feelings.

31. I can’t believe I allowed you to meddle with my feelings. I don’t know what I was thinking, really. I just want to thank you for playing with my feelings

32. How do I feel about you playing with my feelings? Sad! And how do you feel, if I may ask? Pleased?! Thank you so much for playing with my feelings.

33. I’m thankful for you that you played with my feelings. How did you feel about that?! Excited?? Or fulfilled??! I thank you for playing with my feelings though.

34. Thank you for not asking any of my friends to be your girlfriend. It would have been weird if they had said yes. Thank you for being weird and fun and interesting. I love the way you talk about things that somehow still make sense. Thank you for never telling me your last name even though we have known each other for years.

35. You played with my feelings. I don’t even want to think about all that already happened. I’d all the same simply thank you for playing with my feelings.

36. I’m not good about the fact that you played with my feelings. All the same, I thank you a lot for playing with my feelings. Thanks!

37. some feelings cannot be explained. It is just because such feelings are either very special or either very painful.

38. Thank you for all the fun we had together. Thank you for being fun and kind and thoughtful. I really enjoyed everything we had together, even if I’m a little sad it’s over.

39. In my career, there have been three things that were challenging: playing gay; playing a Jewish woman; and playing Chekhov. The scariest part was playing Chekhov

40. I hate that you did this to me. How on earth could you even think it. You played with my feelings. Are you aware of this? Thanks a lot for playing with my feelings.

41. Well, I’m here to thank you for messing with my feelings. How could you? I regret ever having to do life with you.

sad love thanks for playing with my feelings quotes
sad love thanks for playing with my feelings quotes

42. You played with my feelings, and I’m not pleased with you. This note is basically to thank you for playing with my feelings. Thanks!

43. I have no right words to say to you right now order than to thank you for playing with my feelings. So, I thank you so much today for doing so for me.

44. You actually played with my feelings and that hurts so much. Thank you so much for playing with my feelings though. I wish you didn’t do that.

45. You’re just playing, playing, playing, and then an image or something will come into your mind, and basically you’re just narrating it with music, letting it move along.

46. It sucks when I remember a whole lot of things that ever really happened in the past. I’m pained that you hurt my feelings. But all the same, I thank you so much for playing with my feelings.

47. You played with my emotions, and I feel bad about that. Kindly note that I would not want that to ever happen again. Kindly respect the boundary that stands between us.

48. I think playing solo is a second rate activity, really. For me, playing is about playing with other people.

49. Thank you so much for being a great friend and coworker. I know that we have different personalities, but I think our differences complement each other very nicely. We have a lot of fun when we get together and talk

50. Playing for Yogi is like playing for your father; playing for Billy is like playing for your father-in-law.

51. I took a private lesson, but it didn’t really work out, so I went back to playing along with records. That’s really the thing that got me into playing a lot – getting excited about playing along with my favorite bands like Zeppelin and Black Sabbath.

52. Don’t know why I allowed you to do this to me. You played with my feelings and you think we can be cool about that? Thank you for playing with my feelings.

53. Thank you for playing with my feelings. How pleased are you about this? Very pleased, or super pleased? Can’t believe you did play with my feelings.

54. I feel really bad that you did play with my feelings. I however still would thank you for playing with my feelings. Thank you so much for doing that.

55 Thanks For Playing With My Feelings Quotes – Love Messages

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